“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…”
– George Washington, First Annual Address, to Congress, Jan. 8, 1790
Fun for all ages!
Formed in the mid-1970’s, Asheville Practical Shooting Association (APSA) was the first club in North Carolina to become a USPSA affiliated club. From there, we’ve grown to offer many opportunities for enthusiasts to shoot. Click on one of the links below to learn more about our:
Monthly Practical Shooting Matches
Women’s Basic Handgun Training (W.A.Y.S.)
IPSC/IDPA Funshoots every Thursday evening

Club News

Bear Arms Fun Shoot Update
Bear Arms is back its traditional schedule. Thursday Fun Shoots at Bear Arms have resumed. The range has made physical updates for a more pleasant shooting experience. Each unique course of fire has been made shorter and simpler to help reduce ammo consumption. See you there. Be safe!
Also, on Thursday evenings there are USPSA style pistol matches at the Mountain Range (https://www.mountainrangewnc.com/) , at 17 Palmer Road, Waynesville, NC 28786. Matches start at 5:30 pm.
You will find a great group of shooters at either location